Unlucky Day for Pokemon Go

Hello Trainers,

Yesterday I had some great finds and did 3 Entei Raids. Every Rare find ran away along with every Entei! Lapras is a very rare Pokemon for everyone and yesterday I found my second ever one but it broke out of every ball even when I used golden razzberries and ran away. Other people in my area also found a few Lapras' yesterday, which is strange as no one has found a wild one in months and then 3 in one day.... maybe its just a coincidence.

I have taken over as may gyms in the area as I could, which was pretty easy due to the bad weather and managed to get my 50 coins for yesterday and today already. I would definitely recommend trying to get these 50 coins a day as it will allow you to buy more raid passes without spending any real money so you can do more than one raid a day for free.

Let me know how your raiding is going and if you have got any rare finds recently!


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