Pokemon Go Rare Finds

Hello Trainers,

I have had quite a few rare finds the last couple of weeks including Gyarados, Lapras, Golem, Snorlax, Blastoise, Alakazam, Tyranitar and a shiny Magikarp. Unfortunately the CP of these Pokemon has never been very good, excluding the Tyranitar which was over 2000 CP. I seem to be finding a lot more rare Pokemon recently and thats probably just a coincidence but let me know if the same has been happening for you!

Now I know some people don't have any shiny Pokemon yet so I guess I'm lucky to have one but I can't bring myself to evolve my Magikarp with such bad IVs (25%) and a low CP. My Lapras and Snorlax are also both terrible but I like to leave these in gyms as a bit of a joke. Overall this week has been quite successful with some good finds and several Entei caught. I havent managed to do any raids today yet but will definitely be out this evening trying to get myself a 100% IV Entei.

For me the most rare spawn has to be Aerodactyl as it is the only Pokemon I have never seen in the wild.

Let me know what are rare spawns in your area and if any of you have any shiny Pokemon yet!


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